This is a Formal Announcement that I, Zach Mendelson (curator of the incredible will be writing "Entertainment I Consumed for the Better: 2015 Edition", a small series of blog posts where I talk about my Feelings and Opinions about Things!
Obviously you, my fans and treasures, already know about last year's "Media I've Consumed for the Better: 2014 Edition", but I'd like to explain it a little for those of you who are new to Zach Mendelson and have yet to catch up on How Good I Am.
So basically here's the deal: for the first 7 days of the New Year (2016) I will be posting a new Blog Post (a revolutionary medium) for each of the individual mediums I engaged with that year (2015) with a list of 5 (or more, or maybe less... or maybe even more???) Things in that genre that I feel worth sharing. Take a look at last year's to get an idea, but know that there'll be Even More Content than last years to read. So, if you need to, take some time off work and let your family know that you'll be taking a Digital Sabbatical to wander through the Nice and Pretty blogs I've prepared for you, the consumer. My subscribers. My acolytes.
Here are the 7 different mediums I will forcibly tackle:
1) Music (stuff u listen 2)I've organized them in such a way that you are completely interested in my opinion more and more from day to day and become enamored with my Brand. What makes you so excited about my Movies post? Well, Music is really good. And you'll be like "music is in movies! man i wonder what sorta movies he watched if this is the music he listened to?! i'm sweating!!" And then you'll be like "games! what a nerd thing! but hey, look at the movies he watched.... maybe being a nerd, can be, a good, thing, ???" Then when you get to Television you'll be like "hahahaha! i watch that! okay, i'm not a nerd!", but you'll get all like "haha....!!!" when I talk about Anime and Stuff with Animation in the next article. The next day is Comics and Manga, but I can tell you now there won't be any Captain Avenger or Spiderbat, so your ears will burn and you'll feel cornered by my incredibly picky selection of comics.... When we get to Books pretty much everyone will have dropped off the map with shame, so I'm really only writing about Books to remind myself that I wanted to get a degree in literature so I could write about Books. That's what I wanted, and now I have to do it.
2) Movies (stuff u watch)
3) Games (stuff u play)
4) Television (stuff u binge)
5) Animation (stuff that was good and then we ruined it)
6) Comics/Manga (stuff u read w/ pics)
7) Books (stuff u read w/o pics)
Anyway, that's some stuff to look forward to. What game in 2015 did I think of as "an incredibly beautiful stick of butter that slides back and forth as it melts in a nonstick, brandname pan"? What television series made me want to "desire a Sisyphean curse to shatter millions of windows over and over again with a Tickle-Me Elmo, just so I could avoid ever seeing it again"? Man, even I wanna know what that show was!! All that and more: in like two weeks or whatever. Today's the 9th, so, like, a little less than a month.
So. That's it! bye