HEY, hey hi. I'm doing it again.
This is Zach Mendelson, curator and co-creator of fan-favorite www.facebook.com/extremedanceclubpartymaniaforeverx, and I'm happy to announce that I've surfaced from 2016 with similar plans to last year: to talk about things I engorged myself on and benefited from in some way, shape, or form within the Year Of Our Lord 2016. You can get a vague and 404-Image-Not-Found-filled idea of what previous years have held in store, except for the Lost Archives of Whatever I Didn't Finish Last Year For Any Number Of Reasons.
I'm gonna try to be economical about it this year, as I know you, my once-a-year subscriber, have little time to spare given the drastic situation we face in 2017, where the glowering brow of an earth-bound meteor numbers our days left on this hellish dirt-scape.
So here's what I'm gonna cover this year:
some music
some movies
some games
some television (can we call it that anymore...?)
some animation
some books
some chicken tenders
Each one of these will correspond to the respective following day, starting on January 1st! So keep an eye out for these (some literally) hot takes!! I'll be posting them in easily accessible corners of the internet and car windshields and St**bu**s cork-boards.
see you soon,