Charles Mingus tapped into something that I had stoppered up and let fester during my first year of real and grueling retail work in this nightmarish interim between school and career that we Millenials hollowly refer to as "haha goddd, just workin' 😜". In an effort to avoid culturally appropriating jazz to sound like freedom for someone like me who enjoys so many pleasures and privileges, I'll just say how good this music was for venting my frustration during some of the more aggravating hours of my young and otherwise enjoyable life.
"Moanin'" is originally by Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers from the titular album of the same name (and my introduction to the work). Later Jon Hendricks would add lyrics that seem to encapsulate the song's mood, and a perfect anthem for The Year Of Our Lord 2016 if there ever was one:
Every Mornin' finds me moanin'
Cuz of all I the trouble I seeLife's a loosing gamble to meEv'ry body knows I moanin'Every evening I am moanin'I'm alone and crying the bluesI'm so tired of paying the duesEv'ry body knows I'm moanin'Lord I spend many a days and nights alone with my griefand I pray, really and truly praysomebody will come and bring me relief.
Every mornin' finds me moanin'Cuz of all I the trouble I seeLife's a loosing gamble to meEv'ry body knows I moanin'
The song gave me joy, tempered my anger, and gave me a rhythm to rail with (and against, in the case of my steering wheel, and this is where I apologize to my steering wheel for the vigorous sessions we spent together on that damnable commute in the late hours). Music holds mystic power that drifts closely to the miracles and mysteries of our frustrating and beautiful lives (proven fact), so it should be no wonder that it proves to be an excellent salve for confusion and dealing with the multitudinous things that are outside of our control.
* - * - *
I took a break to shower and eat and browse the news at this point in writing and saw the news (or rather, reaction to the news) of Carrie Fisher's passing and feel a more complex conclusion is needed in light of the subject matter discussed here. Not for Carrie Fisher in particular (though may she rest in peace), but for the overwhelming anger that has erupted so many times this past year in response to various celebrity deaths and social phenomenon.
Maybe I'm overly muse-y, on this my third cup of coffee and in light of this tragedy, but I think Mr. Rogers was onto something when he spoke on people being more concerned with information than wonder, with noise rather than silence. So for now, I'll encourage silence and reflection, along with my favorite for processing sadness, a gentle night-cap for 2016 as a whole.
Join me at 9 AM sharp tomorrow morning for some Hot Takes on movies that I consumed in 2016. Hopefully a less sobering experience.